Shadows of Doubt DevBlog 34: Shadows of Doubt Launches on Early Access!

Happy launch day detectives!! It’s really fantastic to see all the enthusiasm around the project (and it’s been there since I’ve started sharing stuff about it) so I really can’t thank everyone enough for the support. Without it, I don’t think this project would have been possible. It’s difficult to really know what to say other than I hope you enjoy all the hard work we’ve put into the game!

This is an early access release so I won’t speak as if this is the end of the journey. We’re expecting bugs but I’ve managed to cover a decent amount of ground this last week in regard to more fixes; you can see an updated changelog here if you want to see specifics.

We’re also really keen on listening to your feedback and improving the game over the course of early access. In the spirit of that, I’m pleased to share with you our planned roadmap!

We’re excited to be adding new content and improvements to the game, and the current plan is a six-month early access period consisting of three major content updates spread out at roughly one every two months. The first will be themed ‘Cheats & Liars’ and be with you over the summer. I’ll share more news about that closer to the time, but for now, the priority is the launch. Have fun!

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